✔ ready-to-use AI solutions            ✔ optimized for smaller companies            ✔ complementing technical departments            ✔ affordable pricing 

see how it works

AI studio for smaller businesses.

Discover & apply user-friendly AI assistants for your workflows.

Optimized for companies without or only small IT departments.


ValueFlow offers an affordable and uncomplicated solution for smaller, rather non-technical companies to get started with AI.

Our AI assistants augment employees in common repetitive tasks – solutions that work out-of-the-box, and can be customized them later on.

A selection of specific examples

Get an idea, how AI-augmented workflows will enable employees to be much more productive and less stressed. Run them alone or in combination, immediately or scheduled.

recognize your task?

Online Research

Information Collection

Document Work

Content Generation

Quality Evaluation

What we believe

Bringing AI enablement to every employee might be your company’s most impactful task in its history until now – if it has realized it or not.

We believe this is really exciting as it can have immense positive effects on a company’s trajectory, core strategy or employee satisfaction.

David Berscheid  | Co-Founder & CEO

Background information on AI, ValueFlow & everything related

Learn more about central ideas behind ValueFlow and important AI concepts.


How to choose the right AI platform

Learn how to find the right tool to get started with AI, depending on your specific situation and wishes.

AI journeys for smaller companies

Learn, how small and medium-sized companies can pursue a successful AI journey.

The common sense approach to AI

Learn how to find your own AI path and how to not get irritated by exaggerations and hype.

The role of IT & Data Science

Learn, what it means for a small or medium-sized company to actually implement AI.

A short history of AI

Learn about the development of AI and about how and why it became so important.

Bring your own AI model

Learn, what it means to bring your own model, which AI layers to keep flexible and where to build assets.

Contact Us

We're always here to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
