The AI studio that solves
the first 80% of your use cases.

Learn about the important components and concepts, which will allow you to ease your business processes.


An Assistant is a set of flows that are specifically created for a certain department, a certain profession or certain area of work.


A workflow is a formerly manual process, that is rebuilt through a set of automated steps – making use of AI prompts, APIs and classical code. 


A chat is the a very simple and free way of interacting with AI models. You can chat with the model just like with ChatGPT, or interact with the previously generated results, to optimize details. 

Data Collection

ValueFlow allows you to collect data from external websites or repo-sitories, and also internal documents. This is a core component of the AI studio, as access to relevant data is essential for generating high quality results.


ValueFlow lets you interact with the tools you use. We will constantly increase the selection of available integrations.

Automate your work

Previous concepts showed you the main functionalities.
Last but not least, you should know that ValueFlow is meant to be automated:

CRON jobs

Schedule your flows to run weekly, monthly, or with any frequency that you need. 

The idea is that flows for repetitive tasks are scheduled to prepare results automatically, so that you don’t have to start them actively. Instead you get notified about finished flows and simply start your refinement work there. 

Once a month ...

… visit the websites of your competitors and check for updates, access industry news and check for relevant developments, or screen public funding opportunities for new and relevant programs.

Once a week ...

… take internal updates and prepare drafts for press releases and social media posts or search for buying signals amongst the publications of your taget group.

Once a month ...

Visit the websites of your competitors and check for updates.

Access industry news and check for business-relevant developments.

Screen public funding opportunities for new programs.

Once a week ...

Take the notes from the internal team meeting and generate drafts for LinkedIn posts.

Generate a relationship-building emails for a customer information about a relevant update