Affordable pricing that

only grows with your productivity

Affordable pricing that only grows with your productivity

Our guarantee

All of us will only be happy, if you are happy. Use ValueFlow 30 days for free and get your money back another 30 days after that, if we can’t bring you enough value. 

Prices per seat

Pay Yearly (and save 25%)

Pay Monthly


For daily business usage

20 € / month

Custom Services

Additionally book dedicated services from our ValueFlow team.


For daily business usage

15 €

20 €

p. month, billed annually

Custom Services

Additionally book dedicated services from our ValueFlow team.

In case of higher or custom demand (more data storage, other requirements), please contact us via

Full feature table

1. Data Collection:
1.1 Collect public websites
1.2 Upload internal data
        .html, .pdf, .txt, .docx
1.3 Data storage300 MBData storage capacities can be extended, if more is needed. Contact us for more storage.
2. AI Models:
2.1 Included in ValueFlowValueFlow does not provide AI models. It uses models, which you provide.
2.2 Bring you own AI modelUsers bring their own, desired models from their most suited model providers. This can vary based on your country, language, industry or requirements.
2.3 Compatible with any AI modelValueFlow is compatible with any Large Language Model that you provide.
2.4 AI model setup serviceValueFlow offers to help setting up your AI model, if you would like support. See more information here.
3. Workflows:
3.1 Ready-made flowsValueflow provides solutions that work out-of-the-box. You only have to configure a few fields and hit 'run'.
3.2 New flow generationby ValueFlow teamThe ValueFlow team is building flows fast. If your desired flow is missing, you have two options to have them built: a) suggest a flow or b) order custom flow creations.
3.3 Suggest a new flowHere you can suggest a new flow, which the ValueFlow team will build as soon as possible.
3.4 Custom flow creationHere you can order the creation of custom flows. The ValueFlow team will build those immediately.
3.5 Build flows by yourselfsoonSoon you will also find a builder, where you can build workflows by yourself. Previous flow building options will always be available.
3.6 AI nodesThese nodes use "prompting" to interact with AI models.
3.7 API nodesWorkflows can also include API calls within their steps to combine AI capabilities with functionalities from other services.
3.8 Code nodesThese nodes ensure that results are generated rule-based.
4. Outputs:
4.1 DocumentsEvery flow creates an output document, which can be viewed and downloaded.
4.2 AI ChatsSome flows are configured, such that the output can be refined in a chat. Users can iterate over the output and change specific aspects until they are satisfied. It is also possible to only chat with an AI model.
5. Usage:
5.1 AI AssistantsValueFlow offers AI Assistants, which are filters over all solutions. Depending on your department, your profession or your current work, you can select the assistant that is relevant in that moment.
5.2 Usage frequencyunlimited, fair usageThere are no limits in the number of assistants, flows or chats. Nevertheless, we allow 'fair' usage, meaning that it is not allowed to share seats. Usage that is above the expected volume of one seat will be restricted.
6. Automation:
6.1 CRON functionalityYou can schedule and automate your flows through simple CRON jobs.
6.2 DefaultsValueFlow comes with many defaults that nudge you into having certain no-brainer automation right away (such as monthly collection of your data, your competitors or industry news). You can always remove these defaults.
7. Integrations:
7.1 Interaction with third-party toolsFlows can interact with other tools.
7.2 Suggest an integrationIf your desired integration is missing, simply suggest it to us here.
7.3 Custom integration creationHere you can order the creation of custom integration. The ValueFlow team will build it immediately.
8. Security, Privacy & Compliance:
8.1 European server hosting ValueFlow hosts its application and all related data on servers located within the European Union.
8.2 GDPR complianceValueFlow itself is GDPR compliant. Note though that if you integrate a tool or AI model that is not compliant, you loose GPDR compliance. But for AI models we will assist you to use compliant models, if desired.
8.2 No AI training with customer dataValueFlow will not use any customer data for training AI models.
8.4 Log accessYour organization's administrator has access to your organization's log files.
9. Support:
9.1 Chat & Email supportContact us with your support inquiries and we try to help as quickly as possible.
9.2 Custom onboardingEach new customer receives a 30min custom onboarding, if desired.
9.3 Live supportIf you are in need of live support, you have the option of booking it as additional service here.