Wissensressourcen zu ValueFlow & KI

Erfahren Sie mehr über die zentralen Ideen hinter ValueFlow und wichtigen KI-Konzepten.

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How to choose the
right AI platform

Learn how to find the right tool to get started with AI, depending on your specific situation and wishes.

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The common sense
approach to AI

Learn how to find your own AI path and how to not get irritated by exaggerations and hype.

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AI journeys for
smaller companies

Learn, how small and medium-sized companies can pursue a successful AI journey.

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The role of IT & Data Science

Learn, what it means for a small or medium-sized company to actually implement AI.

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A short history of AI

Learn about the development of AI and about how and why it became so important.

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Bring your own AI model

Learn, what it means to bring your own model, which AI layers to keep flexible and where to build assets.